Winter is coming but autumn leaves stay on the ground

Winter solstice is upon us and, as I am writing these lines, the -I-don’t-remember-which wave of that infamous virus, courtesy of its last mutated variant is also upon us ( anyone having a déjà vu? ). Christmas is around the corner and while it might a festive, cheery, familiar holiday for some, for so many people it can be a hard time for so many reasons. For those reading these who are struggling, I just wanted to say that you are not alone. And even if my advice is by no means revolutionary or rocket science, focusing on the little small things is an invaluable help especially during this time of the year if you are one of those who, like me, find Christmas very melancholic. The fact that my son will be away for part of the school holiday certainly adds to that melancholic state.

Coming back to the small wonders: the list is endless. And, from the tangible front, one of the little wonders I always find solace in is the amazingly beautiful autumn foliage and the fallen leaves. Winter is coming but I feel grateful there are still plenty of leaves to rejoice with.

These pics were taken in Jardines del Príncipe ( Prince Gardens) and Jardín de la Isla ( Island’s garden) in Aranjuez, a central-Spain town by the Tagus river, 54 km south of Madrid, which makes a perfect staycation or a one day trip from Madrid, not only around Christmastime but also throughout the year. If you want to see the gardens in all their glory, the best time to go is early Autumn and Springtime.

Take care, and take care of each other.

About The Author


With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂