Dear Naím, A few weeks ago, I began putting together a list of all the questions and remarks you make, all those adages of yours that ooze so much wit and raw innocence. You may be pleased to hear…
-“Do you still breastfeed her?” This was a child-less me in a state of concealed bewilderment when my friends’ two-year-old toddler, as eloquently as she could, demanded her boobie fix from her mum. -“Mum…
My dear Naím, I began drafting this post on the eve of your fourth birthday. Since then, my sole attempts to continue writing were intermittent and sporadic, slightly chaotic, similar to the routine I live, we live in. Because…
Motherhood, aside from allowing me to experience love in its purest and most unconditional form, has also showed me that devotion and frustration can go hand in hand. I fully bought into that story that juggling motherhood, work and life…
I had thought about writing a post about my labor and childbirth experience but never got myself around to do it. Truth be told, even at this very moment, when I find myself typing this, I am still unsure as…