Sweet 40s: A new life begins at 40

Hello everyone,

I could not think of a better way to embarking on the world of bilingual blogging than starting off, Youtubers style in mind, with a sort of #gettoknowme tag.

My name is Cárol, I work in Digital Marketing and Communications and I am based in Spain. I am passionate about all things Digital but also other topics such as healthy lifestyle, minimalism, personal development, style and fashion, conscious shopping and much more… I intend to share a bit everything which inspires me through this blog.

If you are wondering about the reason behind the name of the blog, truth is that I have not yet turned 40, albeit I have never been closer…I am 39 and while the clock is really ticking I am yet to know whether the new decade I have ahead of me will be somewhat sweet. I’m however determined to make it sweet because I have reached and found a new state of contendness and peace with myself, unkown to me years ago.  Somehow, this personal space was conceived as a means to give me own personal tribute to aging wisely, being aware of what you want from life and what your priorities are.

Starting all over

Fresh starts bring excitement into our lives and a broaden sense or purpose. But starting all over when you’ve been knocked down can be daunting. Specially when you have not proactively searched for a change; it was simply thrown at you and you had to deal with it, quick.  When sudden big changes and new circumstances alter the course of your life as you had wanted it to be and your projects and dreams fall apart, it is only human to feel hopeless, lost and scared. A divorce, being laid-off from work, emotional rollercoasters, difficult situations we all have to face…  I was in that place not that long ago, I was that hot mess. I went through a messy break-up shortly after becoming a first-time mum, and was laid off from a permanent job shortly afther that.  One of those events on its own would have more than enough for one person to deal with … I tried to stick to those impermanence mantras to cope but I was too bogged-down in my own frustration and sorrow to fully believe in those… Still I convinced myself that changes are always for the better, that everything happens for a reason, that changes bring always new opportunities and that we all are, in essence, starting all over again… Because at the end of the day, nothing lasts forever. Neither joy nor pain. If you are going through a tough time, give yourself time to heal, be kind to yourself, and repeat to yourself as many times as needed, that where you are now is not your final destination. The end is also a new beginning and fresh though rocky starts, even when they were not our choice, is what we need to prove ourselves of how worthy we are.

I got a fine few wrinkles, courtesy of that challenging time,  but maturity shows itself in unauthorised ways and, surprisingly enough, when I see them the first thought which springs to mind is not connected to Botox or fillers  (mind you, though, they’re on my list  😉 I see resilience, calmness and content and, for me, that’s a hell of an accomplishment in itself.

In this personal space, I will share everything which has inspired me and helped me become the woman I am today, who embraces change and believes that we can reinvent ourselves as many times as we want. I do not want to defy ageing but embrace it gracefully.

I really hope you find this personal space useful to you in some way and I look forward to sharing it with you and reading your comments.



About The Author


With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created www.sweet40s.com as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂