My minimalist -and effective- approach to hair care

I live by the mantra that adding simplicity to your life is the best choice.  I believe in minimalism as a consciously taken approach to life or  – let’s be honest – as a means to surviving and do what you can with what you’ve got, but when it comes to skin care or hair care, some of you would object that the adage less is more is something to swear by. I must admit that I have never been the most loyal of hair-salon’ s client. I do my color at home myself and I only update my haircut about three times a year. No, I am not what anyone would call a high-maintenance person. Since becoming a mum, going to the hairdresser has become a one-off treat for me, that I only get to enjoy once in a very long while. What I have discovered, though, is that even changing my do-it-yourself hair care routine, to a no-frills, minimal approach with few products, has shown better results than when I used to try different products all at once. Now that I have discovered what suits my hair type, I keep a consistent routine and stick to it. I have fine hair and always longed for fullness but, as hair extensions are not an option for me at present, I have ended up trying to do my best with what I have got and the below products have been good companions so far.

Simple and minimalist haircare routine

Organic Thickening- shampoos for fine hair

No, they do not give me the full body, voluminous mane I would wish for, but they are very good options to give add some fullness and movement to my fine hair. I have tried several Pharmacy and high-street drugstore brands and the ones I liked the most so far are Avalon Organics and Madre Labs Thickening shampoo.

Coconut Oil

Oh, coconut oil, my all-rounder, versatile friend. If you read my post about the multi-purpose use of coconut oil, you will know that I am a firm advocate of this natural oil. I use it for cooking, body care, as eye make-up remover, and of course, for hair care. I apply it once a week as a leave-in serum before washing, and, apart from loving its smell, I love how supple and manageable it leaves my hair. I have normal to greasy hair and it works wonders for me so if you have normal to dry hair I think you would benefit more from using coconut oil as a  conditioner or hair mask, as it is great for hydrating your hair and scalp.

Smoothing anti-frizz hair mask

Though coconut oil covers the hydrating needs my hair has, I also like to use an anti-frizz treatment once a month or every 6 weeks or whenever I feel that my hair needs some smoothing, tender loving care and needs an additional help to be tamed. I do not have a go-to brand as I am a neophyte when it comes to specific anti-frizz treatments. I have started using Liss extreme mask by L’Oreal Serie Expert Professional line and I am happy with the results so far.

Talcum Powder & Bentonite Clay

Hands up if you’ve ever used a dry shampoo. I admit that I got acquainted with them when I become a mum and dry shampoos did the trick when I did not have time to wash my hair every day. And, you may be asking yourself now: what does talcum powder has to do with dry-shampoos? Well, as it turns out, talcum-powder has the same properties as dry-shampoos when it comes to getting rid of grease and can be used if you find yourself with oily hair and need a bit of degreasing help without having to wash your hair (or, let’s put this bluntly: when you do not have time to wash it). Be mindful to choose talcum powder which is asbestos-free, ( as asbestos is a known carcinogen according to and resort to it only sporadically. I have tried Klorane dry-shampoo, and, believe me, using talcum powder has proven way more effective as I only need a tiny amount to enhance the appearance of my hair when it does not look so gleamy. I also like to sprinkle a little bit on the hair crown to add volume as I have fine hair which tends to weight down easily and then I just comb it off. If you are skeptical about using talcum powder as the occasional dry-shampoo, you can try a little bit of bentonite clay, as it contains minerals which help absorb oil when you need to add a bit of life to your roots.

Castor Oil

In a previous post, I wrote about how I use castor oil as a natural cosmetic. I also use this emollient, inexpensive oil for hair care. It can be used as a hair mask or leave-in serum, but, as I’ve got that covered off by using coconut oil, I only use castor oil when I wash my hair. I mix a few drops of castor oil with my shampoo and, voilà, there you have a very easy, quick way to soften your hair and add bounce.

Have you tried any of these simple products on your hair? Let me know in the comments! As always, many thanks for reading.

About The Author


With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂


  1. Natalia | 5th Oct 17

    I so much love the simplicity of your routine! I only used castor oil to try to re-grow some fine parts of my eyebrows. It’s an easy and great idea to add just a few drops to the shampoo for better hydration! 🙂

    • Cárol | 22nd Oct 17

      Hi Natalia, yes, indeed castor oil is a super simple way to condition and soften your hair while washing. It’s a no-frills super easy trick, but, hey, it works! Thanks so much for your comments! Love xxx

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