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Category: Travel

Winter is coming but autumn leaves stay on the ground

Winter solstice is upon us and, as I am writing these lines, the -I-don’t-remember-which wave of that infamous virus, courtesy of its last mutated variant is also upon us ( anyone having a déjà vu…

There is magic in sunsets

There is magic in sunsets and I cannot help but marvel at them. Corny as it may sound, it is by no means an understatement. It’s the combination of light, color, and the mysticism of the sun setting…

Different summer, same longing

The summer of 2020 that is now tailing off will be remembered as a strange one, courtesy of the global pandemic which is still hitting us hard from every angle, and with no signs of thawing in the mid run…

A few of Barcelona renowned Supper Clubs

** This post is the second installment of Supper Clubs in Barcelona: sensorial dining for the Digital age by journalist and writer Anthony Bain. You can read the first part here ** Project Codols 16 Run out of an apartment in Barcelona…

Supper Clubs in Barcelona: Sensorial dining for the digital age

By Anthony Bain Keeping up with culinary behemoths such as New York, Tokyo, and London, Barcelona has always had a thriving contemporary food scene and a flourishing culinary community. Underground restaurants, secret dining societies, and Supper clubs are a nightly…