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Category: Life

Life Baggage: Forgive. Accept. Reset.

Baggage. What a heavy word itself. Be it emotional or physical, we all carry some kind of baggage with us. Furthermore, we could even dare to say that our baggage define us, to some extent. The personal experiences we enjoyed…

New year, new hope

When the year draws to a close, there it comes the old-time classic of making New year’s resolutions. I was never particularly inclined to those but at the point I am in my life, I felt like…

Happy 4th birthday, my love

My dear Naím, I began drafting this post on the eve of your fourth birthday. Since then, my sole attempts to continue writing were intermittent and sporadic, slightly chaotic, similar to the routine I live, we live in. Because…

No country for single mothers

Motherhood, aside from allowing me to experience love in its purest and most unconditional form, has also showed me that devotion and frustration can go hand in hand. I fully bought into that story  that juggling motherhood, work and life…

Merry Christmas

On this Christmas day of 2017, I want t use my particular creative outlet, my blog, to wish you all Happy holidays and the best for the year we’re about to enter. Without wanting to dampen the mood…