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Category: Life

10 First date(s) and 10 Last date(s) Songs

What does a first date mean to you? Broad question, I know. Let’s rephrase it: what state of being and feelings does a first date trigger? Needless to say it is taken for granted that it is with…

Five lessons I learned the hard way

There. Bang. Lessons. Blessings in disguise. Oftentimes they felt like a slap in the face or they were a gentle tap on the shoulder accompanied by a howling voice to  say “No, that was not quite right”. All undoubtedly valuable…

Happy 5th birthday, my love

Dear Naím, A few weeks ago, I began putting together a list of all the questions and remarks you make, all those adages of yours that ooze so much wit and raw innocence. You may be pleased to hear…

Things I never told you

Lili Taylor played the leading role in the 90s film “Things I never told you.” In this gem of a movie, she utters an immortal phrase that struck a chord with me and has stayed with me for much all…

My breastfeeding journey: soaking up all the love

-“Do you still breastfeed her?” This was a child-less me in a state of concealed bewilderment when my friends’ two-year-old toddler, as eloquently as she could, demanded her boobie fix from her mum. -“Mum…