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Finding solace in leaves

I have been meaning to post new entries on this lite corner of mine for some time now but the start of the school term has been tough. Wait. What am I talking about? Tough? It has been a nightmarish…

Different summer, same longing

The summer of 2020 that is now tailing off will be remembered as a strange one, courtesy of the global pandemic which is still hitting us hard from every angle, and with no signs of thawing in the mid run…

Summer Reading: 5 books to rip through on holidays

There was a time in my life when the concept of “summer reading” was no different to any other season reading, with the caveat that during summer I had an added bonus: more time to be engrossed in…

Single mums in lockdown: my 5 tricks to make it bearable

Let me guess: how many sentences have you read in the past few weeks which contained the words lockdown, confinement, quarantine or social distance? 15? 80? 200? I will spill the tea: this post, which I hope you are about…

Mind wandering of a quarantined single mother

As I am writing this, all of us are getting used to living in a permanent state of collective shock, which has defined much of our everyday lives as of lately. I am no different to the shock. If you…