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Freelance job-hunting? 4 tips and +5 resources drawn from personal experience

  Going down the freelance route can be the result product of many different circumstances. It can be a well-thought fully conscious decision and feel like the next logical and natural step if you spent the bulk of your…

Matcha Green Tea and me: A match made in heaven

I admit it. I’ve only discovered Matcha about 9 months ago and, frankly, my first reaction after trying it was asking myself if I was living in a bubble because, as it turns out, the matcha trend had…

Sweet 40s: A new life begins at 40

Hello everyone, I could not think of a better way to embarking on the world of bilingual blogging than starting off, Youtubers style in mind, with a sort of #gettoknowme tag. My name is Cárol, I work in Digital…