Barcelona: charming and not (yet) overcrowded places worth a visit

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In a city so popular as Barcelona, seething with tourists coming from every corner of the globe, it is getting more difficult to find spots, I would not dare say off-the-beaten-track, but places where you can still mingle with locals.

Tibidabo and Park Güel are certainly iconic and offer invaluable views to take in the beauty of Barcelona in all its glory. Yes, they are, understandably, popular, but there are also other spots to blend yourself with the magnificence of Barcelona. Keep reading if you want to find my top 5 off-the-average-tourist-radar picks.

Turó de la Rovira Viewpoint

It’s located in the barri del Carmel (name of the neighborhood) also home to bunkers of Carmel.  This place, like many others in Barcelona, was one of the silent witnesses of one our most recent and dark episodes in the history of Spain – the Spanish Civil War – as it used to act as a shelter for locals during the air raids.

The views here are priceless. If you have the chance to getting up there to watch the sun rising from the East over the Mediterranean, you’re in luck. The scenery is a true feast for the senses.

Búnkers deL Carmel, Barcelona
A good book+ views like these= happiness

Labyrinth Park: Slightly tuck away in the Horta neighborhood on the uphill side of Barcelona, this park feels so different and it is so beautiful I find it difficult that somebody could not fall in love with it. The settings make for lovely walks amongst its beautiful fountains, gardens, and,  of course, the main attraction, the Labyrinth, which gives the name to the park and where you can feel yourself like Alice in Wonderland. Entrance fee is 3€ and admission is free on Wednesday and Thursdays.

Parc del Laberint, Horta

Parc de la Creueta del Coll: Another park which is way more popular with locals than with tourists. It’s located on the upper side of the Gracia neighborhood and it boasts a natural swimming pool which gets rather busy during the Summer months where many locals to cool off in the Summer months. It is also a good choice to consider if you travel with kids, they are surely in for a good time.

Torre de Les Aigües: Another spot I would definitely recommend if you travel with kids in the summer,  Torre de Les Aigües, located in the emblematic neighborhood of L’Eixample, and tucked away in one of those charming block patios, you’ll find this sort of urban beach which will make for a nice stop-over for your little ones. The patio boasts a big tower ( hence the name) given way to a small swimming pool where the little ones and the not-so-little ones can splash away to make the summer heat more bearable.

Caseta del Migdia is one of my favorite places, by far. Slightly secluded on heights on Montjuic, on the Mirador del Migdia, is this is a lovely open-air terrace with breathtaking views of the sea and the mountains. This beautiful spot is well worth a visit at any time of the day but if you go there in the evening, stay until the sun sets over the mountains and until dark sets in. The place is even more magical at night filled with live music.

Observatorio Fabra:  This is another viewpoint which boasts wonderful views over Barcelona. If you are into astronomy or curious about it, my bet is that you will not be disappointed. And to top if all off, apart from nurturing your appetite for general knowledge, Observatorio Fabra is an amazing spot to have dinner while taking in the beautiful surroundings and escape the muggy heart of Barcelona over the summer nights. The place is located in the mountains over Collserola, so temperatures there are notoriously cooler than in the city, which, believe me, it feels as a blessing in the humid and warm Barcelona summer nights.


Have you been to any of the places mentioned above? Would you recommend any other spots to add to your things to do and see in Barcelona? I am curious to know…Many thanks for your comments.



About The Author


This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂