Different summer, same longing

The summer of 2020 that is now tailing off will be remembered as a strange one, courtesy of the global pandemic which is still hitting us hard from every angle, and with no signs of thawing in the mid run. With a dreadful lockdown still vivid and present in our minds and the wave of devastation caused by the pandemic, it is hard to imagine how life used to be in a pre-Covid era. If we have learnt anything from these unsettling and difficult times ( you would agree with me in that we could take a lesson or two out of this madness) that is the importance of gratitude and appreciation. Cancelling long-haul travelling plans and opting for staycations instead ( if you were lucky enough to have one) is quite banal a collateral damage looking at the big picture of what is going on right now. So, yes, being content with the little things is a lifeline in the unprecedented and uncertain times we are all experiencing. Excuse the cliché, but they really are the only things that matter. As for me, never before did I take SO MUCH solace in them; never before was I at so much ease in the arms of mother nature and marvel at all the gems it unconditionally offers us. I have stacked up on memories which go from good company, a few good novels, ethereal sunsets, long strolls wherever I could, and the sea. Always the sea.

Salty air and salt water released the endorphines I needed to keep going, juggling remote working, caring for my son and staying grounded. I know I will be resorting to these memories when I need the emotional fuel to endure what looks like a challenging upcoming Autumn/ Winter season. I hope you all stay safe and stay sane.

Rías Baixas, Galicia

All Pics by @Sweet 40s taken on various locations around Rías Baixas, Galicia

About The Author


With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created www.sweet40s.com as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂