10 First date(s) and 10 Last date(s) Songs

What does a first date mean to you? Broad question, I know. Let’s rephrase it: what state of being and feelings does a first date trigger? Needless to say it is taken for granted that it is with someone you fancy or think you could eventually like. And that you do not feel under preassure to hand them in the suitor badge straight away. Perhaps is it excitement and scepticism garnished with some level of awkwardness and a high dosage of curiosity?

What about the in-between first and last date phase -no matter how long or short that period is. Could it be equal to longing, lust, denial, short-lived elations, a butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of infatuation?

And the last date, including those leading up to the last one?: dissapointment, relief, disbelief, a nagging punch-me-in-the-stomach-because-I-should-have-known-better type of feeling?

I have a free-from-cliché (mostly) and by no means obvious playlist I’d like to share. Please do yourself a favour and take it with a pinch of salt.

10 First Date(s) Songs:

  • Cecilia Ann – Pixies
  • On Our Way to Fall – Yo La Tengo
  • This is Love – PJ Harvey
  • Only for a moment – Lola Marsh
  • I hope I dont fall in love with you- Tom Waits
  • Disco 2000 – Pulp
  • Lalalove You – BB Bruns
  • Mad about you – Hooverphonic
  • Olsen, Olsen – Sigur Rós
  • Laughter – Gemma Hayes

10 Last Date(s) Songs:

  • Wave of mutilation – Pixies
  • Misread – Kings of convenience
  • Add it Up – Violent Femmes
  • Schizophrenia – Sonic Youth
  • Disarm – Smashing Pumpkins
  • Special needs – Placebo
  • Take it or leave it – The Strokes
  • Not if you were the last junkie on earth – The Dandy Warhols
  • She’s a rainbow – Lola Marsh
  • Nowhere Near – Yo La Tengo

About The Author


With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created www.sweet40s.com as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂