3 Plain Simple and Quick Smoothies for 3 Different Times of the Day

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

Before I get any further, I will start with an important disclaimer: I am by no means a qualified nutritionist or aspire to be one. The sole purpose of this post – like all of them published on this blog – is to share with you what works good for me and give you ideas that you could try out yourself.

Smoothies were not only made for Summer, although I think that no other drink can trump a good smoothie in the hottest months of the year. Smoothies are great to keep you hydrated, quench your thirst like no other and to top it all off you’ve got the nutritional value added bonus. And, no, I am not referring to any fancy, exotic smoothies made with tricky-to-find ingredients. These are plain simple, super quick and totally inexpensive. I bet you could find 90% of the ingredients listed below in your kitchen right now.

Spirulina and fruit smoothie

Breakfast Smoothie:


1 Spoonful of organic spirulina powder

400 ml of Oat drink ( you can replace oat drink with almond or rice drink if you prefer)

2 bananas

2 kiwis

1 teaspoon or Agave syrup

Since I incorporated this simple smoothie to my breakfast, I feel I have more energy, feel full for longer and, at the risk of sounding lame, yes, I feel like I am ready to tackle the day ahead.

Let me warn you though: the color is far from enticing and if you have not tried Spirulina before or are unsure about the taste, I can tell you that you will not notice any unpleasantness in its taste in this smoothie. When I started taking spirulina powder, I used to simply mix it with orange juice, and quite frankly, the taste was not great; however it blends like magic with these fruits; bananas, oat drink, and the syrup altogether gives it a nice, sweet tinge.

Avocado and banana smoothie

Mid -morning/ Early afternoon Smoothie:

300 ml of almond milk

1 small avocado

1 banana

Chia Seeds ( Optional Topping)

I think this has to be one of my healthiest mid-morning snacks. If I am feeling peckish, my energy levels drop and I need to refuel, this easy smoothie has always worked wonders for me. It is rather satiating and helps you keep going until you can actually sit down and have lunch. I make this when I am working from home although if you have the privilege of having a hygienically well-preserved blender to use in your office space, go for it.

Delicious watermelon smoothie

Late afternoon/ Evening smoothie ( A Summer staple)


400 ml or Rice milk

Watermelon ( I normally use 4 slices)

1 apple

This smoothie is my Summer staple because it is great to replenish fluids when it’s hot outside, it is quick and simple and tastes delicious. Best served cold.

What are your super simple super/quick smoothies? Let me know in the comments below! Hugs xx

Pics credits: Pixabay

About The Author


This post is also available in: Español (Spanish)

With a background in Journalism and Digital Marketing, Carol created www.sweet40s.com as a way to documenting her experiences and give her own special tribute to the new decade ahead of her and to aging blissfully and gracefully. 40 is two times 20 🙂